Friday 14 October 2011

Narrative Concept of Pulse

Here is a quick run-through of the current narrative concept I have for Pulse. I may not even have a character walking around in the final version but as it currently stands this is the ideal target I would like my game to achieve and in the end product something similar to just one part of this plan may be all thats completed.

I feel that Level 2 would certainly give the best example of the game to the player but also Level 3 could showcase some really nice visuals and interesting twist on the space-combat flight mechanics.


Flying through space towards the space station
Narration informs that some property belonging to a relatave is being delivered which contains an outfitted ship that was recovered after their demise. Before you can set out in space it is required to obtain a flight license through a series of tests and trials.

Level 1 - On space station

- Start in quarters on space station whereby the ship computer informs you your vessel has arrived
- Make your way to the dock
- Get on ship

Level 2 - Taking off...

- Before you can fly out, computer informs you "ship designation #9112, you are clear for initiating flight testing"

- Testing grounds
- Navigate to beacons, fly through hoops
- "Weapons get unlocked"
- Shoot empty containers

- Obtain Space License

- As you are flying back, you are made aware a comet is in-bound for the space station, you are told to watch the fireworks as a fighter squadrun from the space station goes out to destroy it.
Upon blowing up the ice comet, a destroyer-class alien vessel is inside and powers up, the detroyer-class vessel attacks and defeat the small force employed by the space station against it
and then releases huge waves of fighter drones against the space station.

- Transmission recieved from space station computer "Emergency broadcast, all colonial vessels without
firing capabilities please evacuate and any combat-laden ships please assist in the defense of the station"

- Defend until station explodes, the resulting explosion's shockwave sends your ship careering off into space

- Fade to black

Level 3 - Asteroid/Ice Field

- Ship powers back up, fade from black to you in control of your ship in an ice field

- Flying out between nav points
Eventually, as your making way out along a projected route, towards a second nav point, your attacked
by small fighter bugs that have laid dormant within the ice fields which detected the pulse energy of your ship, inadvertently awakening them from inside the smaller ice comets.

- Fend off a couple of squadrons while making an escape to outside the field so you can "pulse" away

As you pulse back, you can see the lights of thousands of ships begin to light up inside the ice
crystals, which begin to shatter and explode

"So that must have been where the comet originated from, what the hell have we awoken..."
Fade to black


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